What’s New in AVer Pro AV?

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AVer Information Inc. USA
June 18, 2021

The latest iteration of the AVer CaptureShare software now supports Virtual USB input from select AVer cameras.

Looks for the following software packages from the download link: https://www.averusa.com/pro-av/support/

Windows - CaptureShare v.1.3.2047.0
MAC – CaptureShare v.1.3.2046.0

The following cameras are supported for Virtual USB input:
  • All AVer TR31X, TR33X, TR530/TR320 series
  • All PTZ310/330/310N/330N series
  • AVer Document Camera M15W /M70W
  • AVer DL30 Distance Learning Camera

How does it work?

AVerCamera Setting Tool is a software that allows sharing USB over LAN. When you plug a supported AVer camera into the LAN, the app virtualizes the device, making it available for a remote access. With the help of the software you’ll be able to create virtual USB port on your PC and access all features of a virtual USB device as though it was physically connected to your computer.

After installing the CaptureShare software, look for this icon on your desktop icon
Select “Virtual Camera” from the drop down box screens
Select “Add” and then either “Auto Search” or add the particular camera IP (with the appropriate credentials). screens
Once cameras are added, you can then access them by selecting the camera as shown below. screens
If the connection is successful, you should see the status showing “On” and you would have full access to the camera control via the panel below. screens
If you need to record video and live stream content, launch the main CaptureShare software
With CaptureShre you can record/live stream either the video or the entire screen. You can also bring up the built in annotation tool to annotate over the video or screen content.

This is a great tool to have for video content creation on a short notice so go ahead and download the software today from https://www.averusa.com/pro-av/support/

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