K-12 Lesson Plans


Language Art






Art and Music


Social Studies



1.Language Art:

Using a black- or whiteboard, or making transparencies and copies to demonstrate material can be time-consuming and expensive with limited effectiveness. But no matter what the content of your lesson is, an AVer Document Camera can be used to increase visualization of your messages by clearly projecting them live on a large screen. Virtually eliminate the need for copies and transparencies by projecting the original document or book page in a single location as the class follows along. Learn more


Traditional mathematics lessons are typically comprised of a textbook, worksheets, and a black- or whiteboard. However, views of the blackboard may be obstructed as the teacher works through the problem, or students may have a difficult time following along with their textbook. But by using an AVer Document Camera, math problems can be projected on a large screen for the entire class to see. Learn more


Placing science material under an AVer Document Camera greatly increases the visual elements of any scientific demonstration, and can be used in all fields of science – from chemistry, to physics or biology. Moving objects such as a worm or an insect can be projected live on a large screen, or the freeze and image capture functions can be used to show the details without the object moving. A teacher can perform a live dissection as the students watch and follow each stroke of the scalpel, or know exactly what each organ is by watching the demonstration on a large screen. Learn more

4.Art and Music

While document cameras are widely used for standard reading and writing curriculum, they can also be effective in teaching music and the arts. Crowding around a table as the teacher paints a picture or molds pottery can be frustrating for those who cannot get close enough to see the full demonstration. By using an AVer Document Camera, teachers can mold pottery under the camera as the class follows along with their project. Learn more

5.Social Studies

At times, social studies can be a difficult concept to present visually. But by including an AVer Document Camera to add a large visual element to social studies, students are able to see the concepts and ideas instead of simply hearing and reading about them. Maps can take on a life of their own; historical documents can be projected at-large; examples of ancient artifacts can be viewed closely with every tiny detail. Learn more


Learn what other lesson plans you can apply in your classroom simply by using one of AVer’s many document camera solutions. Learn more

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